The Epic 

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Showcasing the economic vibrancy of Entrepreneurial Households

Entrepreneurial Households have for far too long been misunderstood and overlooked as a customer segment. The reality is, they are savvy and willing to invest towards their own continued growth. In fact, we see this segment as being a key driver of India's economic growth over the next 20 years.

The EPIC Opportunity Report dives deep into this segment - from estimating their size, to understanding their income augmentation approaches. We introduce a key metric, Core Transaction Value (CTV), that better reflects their economic potential.

Importantly, the report showcases the multi-trillion dollar opportunity - in India alone - that awaits for businesses and capital allocators building for the unique needs of Entrepreneurial Households. This also signals a larger, global opportunity. 

This research was developed in partnership with Praxis Global Alliance, for EPIC World.

Entrepreurial households in numbers

entrepreneurial households in india
Estimated TOTAL CTV* in FY24
Estimated TOTAL CTV by FY44
Estimated CTV CAGR (FY24-FY44)

* CTV: Core Transaction Value, a metric developed by EPIC World that shows the true economic vibrancy of Entrepreneurial Households. It takes into account their multiple inflows and outflows.

The EPIC Opportunity Report has data as of FY23. The numbers presented above are estimated based on the report.

Emphasising transactions over income

Traditional metrics such as income don’t tell the whole story. Transactions - involving both inflows and outflows - paint a more accurate picture, moving this segment from “low income” to “economically vibrant”.

A segment- specific methodology

Existing data is outdated and limited - giving an inaccurate picture of Entrepreneurial Households. Our custom frameworks and metrics address on-ground realities that the world of capital is often removed from.

Insights blending top-down and bottom-up

Praxis has used several research methodologies - top-down estimates based on secondary data and research, a quantitative survey of 3,000 households across 100 districts in India, and qualitative on-ground interactions. 

Developing this report

The foundation of the report was laid by Elevar Equity's initial observations and thesis, built over years of interacting with Entrepreneurial Households as well as businesses catering to them.

Subsequently, Praxis Global Alliance was commissioned to independently validate these observations and quantify the EPIC Opportunity.

This was done through extensive macroeconomic research and modelling, and proprietary Praxis research. Field research with 3,000 households in 100 districts across India was undertaken by Praxis’ affiliate, 1Lattice.

EPIC World developed the frameworks to define Entrepreneurial Households and Core Transaction Value, which served as the basis for Praxis to quantitatively estimate the EPIC Opportunity.

Our Insights will keep evolving

Our Insights will keep evolving

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This report is a starting point. With more macroeconomic, bottom-up data from quantitative surveys, and qualitative on field interactions, we’ll refine our understanding to unlock the staggering economic potential in India and globally.

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read the report
read the report

The opportunity, demonstrated

The opportunity, demonstrated

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Our Entrepreneurial Households India Index demonstrates that it is possible to serve Entrepreneurial Households and deliver commercial returns. Its constituents have delivered benchmark-beating performance and higher ROE.